DHH Heroes

In 2019, Kentucky Hands & Voices launched the DHH Hero infusion program in an effort to connect families with adults who are deaf or hard of hearing.  There are currently 32 DHH Heroes across the state. DHH Heroes serve as a resource and reminder to parents that their child has limitless potential. 

Why is connecting with a DHH adult so important? 

Hands & Voices recognizes the importance of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) individuals with diverse languages, modes of communication, ages, education, and life experiences in all aspects of the organization. This diversity provides a valuable resource to families with deaf and hard of hearing children, enabling them to interact with peers and adults who embrace the Hands & Voices philosophy of non-biased support. 

“Knowledge about what a child who is deaf or hard of hearing could become and the things s/he could accomplish, can dramatically alter the sequence of the process of grieving.” – Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, Ph.D. 

DHH Heroes at Events & DHH Hero Trading Cards 

Our DHH Heroes are encouraged to attend our Hands & Voices events, including Deaf Awareness Day at the Louisville Zoo and the annual SuperHEARo 5k. You may see them signing the National Anthem or handing out their very own superhero trading cards. Kids are encouraged to collect all the cards at different events and even trade them with friends. Parents are encouraged to interact with the DHH Heroes, collecting valuable insight on what it is like to grow up deaf or hard of hearing.

“The cards are empowering, showing young children that you can be deaf and grow up to seek a variety of opportunities!” said one parent. 

Sets of DHH Hero cards are also available to teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing for use in the classroom.  Please contact info@kyhandsandvoices.org for more information about how to incorporate our DHH Hero program into your curriculum.

POWER HOUR: Our DHH Heroes have gone virtual! Starting in April 2021, we began offering a monthly series of Q&A Zoom sessions called DHH Hero Power Hour featuring our very own DHH Heroes. Parents have opportunities to ask questions via Facebook Live. Topics range from funny (e.g. When did you learn that others can hear your farts?) to serious (e.g. Were you ever bullied because of your hearing loss?). Check out our past episodes here

Read more about the D/HH Hero Program here: https://kyhandsandvoices.org/deaf-infusion-kentucky-hands-voices-introduces-d-hh-hero-program/